OpEd: Tracy Conroy Would Prioritize Class Size Reductions


TracyConroy Tracy Conroy (Photo submitted)

An opinion piece: written by Tracy Conroy, Prince William School Board Candidate

Every seated school board member and candidate in Prince William County readily agrees our class sizes are too big. Having the highest student to teacher ratios in the state is not World Class, it is disgraceful.

In the 2015 Superintendent’s Budget presentation Dr. Walt’s stated, “Lowering class sizes by one is not likely to lead to clear and measurable improvements in test results. But it will provide teachers and students with increased one-on-one time.” Indeed, after two years of various reduction plans, such as decreasing ninth grade math classes by one student, our teachers are seeing little to no improvement. Many report their class sizes and caseloads have increased this year, and none increased one-on-one time with students.

Out of control class sizes, lowest teacher pay and student performance in the region are symptoms of a greater illness. Treating these issues with quick, last minute poorly planned and implemented Band-Aid’s will not be effective. To cure the symptoms, our School Board must be committed to treating the cause. The cause is a lack of priorities. Our current administration has not developed a comprehensive plan and without one our division has been planning to fail.

If we are serious about the educational success of our children, class size reduction cannot be the last line item funded. Attention needs to be paid to the fact that a one size fits all solution is not going to work for our large and diverse school division. As your elected School Board Chairperson, I will bring parents, teachers and administrators together to set an appropriate course. Together we will establish objectives, annual goals and form a comprehensive 10-year plan. Its successful implementation will incorporate the input, buy-in and continuous evaluation by our teachers.

Plans made in a vacuum, without consulting the latest research or educational experts, such as those made by Tim Singstock, are careless and will result in waste that PWCS can ill afford. Politicians, like Ryan Sawyers, who claim they will demand unlimited funding, display an enormous misunderstanding of the School Board's authority. Prioritizing funding for reduction will require teamwork, commitment and determination. This is what I am offering. I am not a politician; my interest is in education and the future of our children.

On November 3rd please vote for Tracy Conroy for School Board Chair.

Tracy Conroy

Candidate for PWC School Board Chair



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2015, bristow-news, campaign, class-sizes, education, election, featured, letter-to-the-editor, oped, prince-william, prince-william-county-schools, pwcs, tracy-conroy, virginia