PWCS Energy Conservation Efforts Yield $2.7 Million Savings

Prince William County Schools announced that its energy conservation program, launched June 2012, has already saved the school division $2.7 million. According to PWCS, through the implementation of what they call "best practices," few faculty and staff throughout the district have been inconvenienced or forced to comply with stringent new energy-saving regulations. These efforts include a “Lights Off” campaign and the powering off of technology on weekends, as well as the use of exterior LED lighting, high-efficiency gym lighting, and renegotiating utility contracts.
“By implementing best practices for energy use throughout the school division, we create savings, enhance the learning environment and retain dollars for education—it’s the right thing to do,” Energy Conservation Program Coordinator Brian Gorham said.
The school division estimates that the energy saved could be equated with the elimination of 13,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide emissions, having 2,700 autos off the highway annually or planting and growing more than 332,000 tree seedlings over 10 years.
“Energy awareness is all about teaching people to make good decisions about the energy they use, and that’s what our program does; today, every person on staff uses energy as needed and is careful to never waste energy,” Gorham said. The Energy Management Division discussed their mission and objectives with Bristow Beat in May.
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