PWCS Requests Citizen Input on 2021-22 School Calendar


Image by Prince William County Schools

Prince William County Public Schools (PWCS) is interested in gathering feedback from parents and community members about options for the 2021-22 school calendar. We have developed a quick poll that provides you with the opportunity to share your input.

As background, it is important to share some of the parameters around the development of the calendar. First, the calendar must begin with at least 180 school days. The year is divided into four relatively equal marking periods. Attempts are made to minimize weeks with only a few days of school when possible. We provide for multiple student holidays within the calendar, along with Winter Break and Spring Break.

Key Dates to note in 2021-22 Calendar

Two calendar options have been developed in response to decisions made by the Prince William County School Board for the 2021-22 school calendar and feedback on previous calendars. One option is very similar to the calendar originally approved for 2020-21, and the other incorporates additional holidays that reflect the diversity of the PWCS community.

Any time an additional student holiday is placed into the calendar, that instructional day must be replaced somewhere else in the calendar. As a result, both options start and end on the same dates, but there are differences within the calendars relative to Winter Break, (vacation beginning Dec. 23 rather than Dec. 20) and the Monday after Spring Break (whether or not to have the Sunday after Easter off).

Calendar options will be presented to the School Board for discussion and approval in October. Results from this poll, as well as recommendations from a representative calendar committee, will be provided to the Board to inform their discussion and decision.

Please take a few moments to answer these few questions about your preferences. This poll will remain open until October 15, 2020.

This article has been updated. 

2020-22-calendar, 2021-22, calendar, citizen-input, featured, input, poll, prince-william-county-schools, pwcs, pwcs-calendar, school-calendar