DAY CARE INSPECTIONS: DSS Returns to Cite Montessori School of Gainesville for More Violations


The Virginia Department of Social Services has returned to the Montessori School of Gainesville Nov. 14 for a monitoring inspection.

This inspection follows an initial inspection in August, where the facility was cited for 10 violations in areas ranging from discipline to child supervision.

Virginia Department of Social Services Comments:

An unannounced monitoring inspection was conducted today with the Director. Twenty five children were present with six staff providing direct care supervision. One child had medication on site. For lunch the children were provided burgers on bun, lettuce, tomatoes, bananas and milk. Staff interviews were conducted in each classroom. Six staff and five children's files were reviewed today. Fire inspection: 5/24/13 Health inspection: 9/4/13 Arrival time: 8:45 am Departure time: 1:20 pm

Editor's Note: Descriptions of Violations and the responses from the facility came directly, unedited  from the inspection report.


Standard #: 22VAC40-185-130-A

Description: Based on a review of five children's files, and interview with administration, it was determined that one child was missing immunization record which is required before a child can attend. Evidence: Infant A ( enrolled on 10/28/13) does not have any immunizations on file.

Action to be Taken:  will have the immunizations by Friday.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-140-A

Description: Based on a review of five children's files and interviews with administration, it was determined that one child did not have a physical on file for one child. Evidence: Infant A does not have a physical on file within 30 days of enrollment as required.

Action to be Taken: I will have the physical by Friday.             

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-280-B

Description: Based on a inspection of the center and an interview with administration it was determined that the laundry room was unlocked and had a number of hazardous substances store in the room. Evidence: The Licensing Inspector observed over 10 containers of paint, WD-40, Rust-oleum paint finish, tile and shower cleaner, spackle and charcoal lighter fluid stored in the unlocked laundry room.

Action to be Taken: Locked during the inspection.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-330-B

Description: Based on an inspection of the playground and an interview with the director, it was determined that there was insufficient resilient surfacing under and around some of the play equipment on the playground. Evidence: One foot in front of the steps of the composite slide structure and one foot in front of the end of the double slides were 1/2 inch of pea gravel and not the required six inches of pea gravel.

Action to be Taken: We will rake to ensure at least six inches of pea gravel in the meantime this piece of equipment will be placed off limits.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-440-G

Description: Based on observation in the infant classroom, and interviews with the staff and administration, it was determined that two infants (under 12 months of age) are not sleeping in cribs as required. Evidence: Infant A (11 months of age) and Infant B (9 months of age) are napping on crib mattresses that are placed on the floor.     

Action to be Taken:  We will erect the cribs necessary to accommodate the infants under 12 months of age.             

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-500-A

Description: Based on observation and interviews with staff, it was determined that children in the infant classroom are not washing their hands with soap and water or disposable wipes before eating. Evidence: The Licensing Inspector observed an 11 month old child hands not being washed before eating. Interviews further revealed that the infants hands are not being washed before eating.

Action to be Taken: We will talk with the teachers to make sure they understand the Licensing requirements for hand washing.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-500-B

Description: Based on observation in the infant classroom and interviews with staff, it was determined that diapering procedures are not being followed. Evidence: The Licensing Inspector observed infant room staff diaper the infants and afterward failed to wash the diapering surface with soap and water. Interviews further revealed that the diapering surface in the infant room and toddler/two year old room are not being washed with soap and water after use. Furthermore, in the infant room, the disinfectant ( clorox and water solution) was made the week prior and was being used today as the disinfectant. Staff in the infant room would spray the diapering surface with the clorox and water solution and then immediately wipe the surface and not allow the required 2 minutes for the surface to air dry. In the toddler/two classroom interviews revealed that the staff are not using a disinfectant to clean the diaper surface, but rather an all-purpose degreaser and spot remover as the means to disinfect the diapering surface.

Action to be Taken: We will retrain all staff on diapering procedures and monitor closely on-going compliance.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-550-M

Description: Based on a review of the injury/accident log, it was determined that all of the required information is not being documented. Evidence: There were 8 injury/accident reports reviewed , four injuries did not document the time of day parents were notified of said injuries.

Action to be Taken: We will document the time of day.

Standard #: 22VAC40-185-570-E

Description: Based on observation in the infant classroom and interviews with staff, it was determined that infant bottles and cups were not labeled as required. Evidence: Infant bottles and sippy cups were not labeled with the infants's names nor were they dated as required.

Action to be Taken: Corrected during the inspection.

Full reports of each provider are located online and are available for public viewing.

The Virginia Department of Social Services inspects all licensed child welfare agencies at least twice a year, with at least one unannounced inspection each year.

“In order to determine continued compliance with standards during the effective dates of the license, the department’s licensing representative will make announced and unannounced inspections of the facility or agency during the hours of its operation,” the agency states on their website. “The licensee is responsible for correcting any areas of noncompliance found during renewal or monitoring inspections.”

VDSS cautions that a compliance history is in no way a rating for a facility and online compliance reports do not include consideration that some information regarding “adverse actions” may be the subject of pending appeals.

According to the agency, “Through the administration of the licensing program, the Department of Social Services assumes responsibility to ensure that licensed facilities and agencies provide children and adults with at least a minimum level of care in accordance with regulations prescribed by the State Board of Social Services and Child Day-Care Council.”

day-care, education, featured, gainesville, montessori-school-of-gainesville, va