School Division to Propose Making School Day Extension Permanent


To reduce the impact of the last winter’s severe weather, which resulted in 13 weather-related closings and six 2-hour delays, Prince William County Schools (PWCS) is proposing adding days to the school calendar and extending the school day by 10 minutes to make up the state-mandated instructional hours. At the May 21 School Board meeting, the School Division will propose making the extension to the school day permanent at all grade levels.

According to the PWCS Office of Accountability, the calendar committee convened April 10, at the direction of Superintendent Steven L. Walts, and decided to recommend adding time to the instructional day for the 2014-2015 school year.

The committee reports that this additional time will add about 30 additional hours to the calendar and bring the school day more in line with surrounding school divisions.

Furthermore, the committee identified three potential make-up days the School Division could use next year if needed. These include:

  • Feb. 16, Presidents Day
  • April 6, the Monday after spring break
  • June 19, the teacher workday after the last day of school

The 2014-2015 school calendar will provide the equivalent of 182 days of instruction for elementary schools and 183 days of instruction for middle and high schools.

Th School Board will only hear a presentation of the proposal at the May 21 meeting. They will vote on the measure at a later date.

featured, news, prince-william-county-schools, va, weather-related-closings