Nokesville Community Members Hold Fund Raisers to Restore Hawkins Barn


For Nokesville residents the Hawkins Barn is a landmark. Located on Route 28 just north of Fitzwater Drive, the distinct green barn features a mural of a dancing cow, pig, goose and mouse.

Now the Barn is in need of repair, and many in the Nokesville community are advocating for neighbors to come together to raise the necessary funds to restore the barn to its original condition.

“Long associated with Nokesville, has become an iconic symbol of the area's agricultural heritage, and has earned its standing as a community treasure,” said Nokesville resident Chuck Leggett in a promotional document entitled “Hawkins Barn Restoration Project.”

The idea for the barn restoration began after Leggett initiated a discussion of the site on his Nokesville Facebook page back in January. Along with the Truss bridge, Leggett described the barn as one of Nokesville’s most recognizable landmarks. After posting that statement, he said he received,  "a flurry of comments about the barn’s deteriorating appearance.”

Leggett took that conversation to the barn’s owner, Joanne Hawkins. He told her that community members wanted to raise money to restore the barn. Hawkins was excited.

To garner community support, Leggett began a Nokesville Barn Restoration Project on Facebook and a blog, Nokesville Barn Restoration. He also formed a project planning committee, which includes Melinda Masters, a Nokesville Ruritans board member; Pablo Teodoro, president of Friends Uniting Nokesville; Julie Stadig and Leggett, who is already well-known in Nokesville for his social media outreach.

At this juncture the Barn Restoration Committee has various fundraising events planned for spring. Barn T-Shirt sales are currently underway, and orders must be received by April 30. The Dance to Save the Barn, sponsored by the Friends Uniting Nokesville, is scheduled for the evening of May 5.  The Committee will also have a booth at Nokesville Day on May 19 from which to distribute their literature, sell T-shirts and solicit donations.

“Looking beyond Nokesville Day, the barn project needs several willing, qualified and experienced community event organizers to join the steering committee, to help plan the next phase of fundraising endeavors and to employ their respective talents by organizing an event in support of the project,” Leggett said.

Readers who would like to get involved can email Leggett at or click on the above links to become involved in one of the many fund raising projects.

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