Discover Health Yoga Helps Clients Find Zen in Everyday Life


Spenark demonstrates a reverse side angle pose. Yoga teacher and life coach Spencer Snakard demonstrates a reverse side angle yoga pose.

Discover Health Yoga Studio in Gainesville, a holistic yoga studio dedicated to improving quality of life, is holding a four-part seminar series called “Finding Zen in Everyday Life.”

The personal development seminars are scheduled for the first two Thursdays in November and December from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Discover Health Yoga studio off Vint Hill Road. New and existing clients are invited to sign up to participate.

Spencer Snakard, yoga instructor, owner and life coach, designed the seminar series for people to eliminate stress, particularly around the holidays. Whether that stress comes from dealing with old family issues that may bubble up, attempting to make the season perfectly magical, or struggling through the holidays alone after the loss of a loved one, it can be an especially trying time of year.

“People just find the holidays stressful,” said Snakard. “They have very high expectations of what they think they need to make happen and how it should be.”

Snakard has been instructing yoga since 1997. She often incorporates yoga philosophy and meditative practices into her yoga classes, seminars and retreats that help people align every area of life with their desired vision.

She explained how the physical yoga practice and the philosophy of yoga overlap.

sunlightspencercropped Meditation in sunshine

“It is absolutely a part of yoga practice beyond yoga practice on the mat. Historically, the physical practice was one of only eight “limbs” or practices of yoga. Ultimately, it’s about achieving a state of bliss, and that doesn’t just come from doing a down-dog or a twist,” she said.

Snakard will be leading “Finding Zen in Everyday Life” as an interactive discussion, informed by her studies in yoga, transformational training and life coaching.

She defines ‘Zen’ colloquially as moments of peace and clarity where one no longer instinctively reacts. Rather, she explained the practice of mindfulness means “being conscious of our thoughts and our triggers; where we tend to judge ourselves or others and get sucked into reactions that aren’t aligned who we are or who we aspire to be.”

“It’s hard to create the life you want when you are snapping at your kids or blowing big opportunities at work or creating a huge void in your relationship due to reactions that don’t really reflect your true self, purpose or desires.”

Many Eastern traditions teach that people can achieve mindfulness through meditation. However, meditation is just one of many roads towards mindfulness and tranquility, and Snakard encourages those she works with to explore additional avenues.

“So many people say ‘My mind is too busy; it is constantly going. I could never meditate.’ You don’t have to sit and chant ‘om’ for hours a day to find peace,” she said.

Snakard believes people will experience transformational changes, which will then give them direct access to desired results. She has witnessed many people experience their big ‘ah-ha’, or life-transforming moments.

Spencer Snakard performs an eagle vertical pose. Spencer Snakard performs an eagle vertical pose.

In that way, the seminars are a sound investment in one’s future. According to Snakard, once a transformation is achieved it becomes a permanent change. She compares it to learning how to balance when riding a bicycle, which cannot be lost.

And, once people break free of their self-imposed chains, new possibilities become available, clearing the way to manifest a new reality.

“One client dreamed of starting an international business but initially believed it was impossible. Through our work, he broke past those perceived barriers and has built a highly successful business that has far exceeded his goals.”

“You don’t have to be shaped or defined by your past to create any future that you want,” she said, asking: “Who do you want to be? What are the relationships that you want? What do you want to accomplish? And what is getting in the way of that?”

The “Finding Zen in Everyday Life” seminar series begins November 3 and is open for enrollment. Discover Health Yoga is accepting new yoga clients and participants in various seminars and retreats.

Readers can find more information on “Finding Zen in Everyday Life,” yoga, retreats or life-coaching, by visiting

Photos provided by Discover Health Yoga. 

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