PWCS: 1.6 Days Remain for Weather-Related Closings


School BusesFollowing Friday's closure, Prince William County Schools is left with only 1.6 school days or 9.7 hours for weather-related closings/delays before dropping below Virginia’s required 990 hour instructional minimum.

The school division has been closed nine times and has had nine delayed openings during the 2041-2015 school year.

While many residents hope that they have seen the last of the snow and ice for the season, if inclement weather causes additional cancellations or delays, PWCS has make-up days built into the calendar.

April 6, which is currently a teacher work day, and June 19, the day after school ends, can be converted into school days, they said.

"PWCS has additional time this year because the school board added 10 minutes to the instructional day for the 2014-15 calendar and beyond. This added 30 hours above the time provided in previous years," they said. "Without the added minutes, PWCS would already have fallen below the state minimum and have to add make-up time."

bristow, closings-delays, education, featured, pwcs, va, weather