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To further bolster the opinion above, read the Stantec Report, commissioned and ignored by the BOCS. See page 4:

Avoid locating data centers adjacent to residential areas, existing and planned mixed-use activity centers, and social facilities such as schools and day care centers, unless adequate mediating measures can be implemented.

Also page 5 for suitability to Parks and Open Spaces, Historical and Cultural Resources.

We know that 600 ft of wooded buffer is inadequate to protect the Great Oak community from the noise from only 4 Data Centers, so how will a 100 ft buffer from 11 larger Data Centers protect Amberleigh Station, Silver Leaf? And let’s not forget Village Place community with a similar buffer, and Pace West School and the Fire Station from the proposed John Marshall Commons Tech Park.

Knowing that industrial and residential are truly incompatible adjacent zoning, that Stantec recommends.5 mile buffer for State and National Parks, for the BOCS to approve any additional Data Centers adjacent to Residential areas or Parks is willful obstinance.

From: OPINION: Prince William Should Increase Buffer Requirements Where Industrial Areas Meet Residential

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