Adopted from Prince William County Schools
The school division's budget prioritizes students and staff. Approximately 80 percent of expenditures are earmarked for "the instructional core," defined as students, staff and curriculum.
“Investing in our schools is investing in our future,” said Dr. Babur Lateef, Chairman At-Large of the school board. “This budget reflects our strategic investments in continuing to offer our teachers competitive salaries, modernize our facilities, and most importantly, enrich the learning experience for every student.”
The average employee will receive a six percent [6%] pay increase, cost of living adjustment plus an incremental step increase. With a compounding effect over five years, PWCS’ average teacher salary increases will total 28.2 percent. PWCS will also add $71 million to various salary scales in the coming fiscal year. The superintendent believes this will improve the division’s ability to retain and recruit staff.
PWCS also earmarked new funds for classroom assistants. The division intends to hire 125 new teaching assistants to serve students with special needs, plus 23 new kindergarten assistants and 15.5 reading specialists. The division is adding a stipend for IEP case managers.
Monies in the Capital Improvements Program [CIP] will fund school additions and new facilities to address needs. The school division will also use CIP funds for renovation projects for older schools and will advance sustainability goals.
The board is investing in hiring new personnel, including a STEM/robotics coordinator, a human trafficking specialist, a language arts supervisor, and administrative interns at middle and high schools.
Further investments will be made for teachers with 19 and 20 years of experience. Additionally, the division will lift the experience cap to 25 years of teaching experience for new hires.
“I hope we have the opportunity to do more for PWCS,” Dr. Lateef said. “Governor Youngkin’s approval of the General Assembly budget would provide additional support and resources for our students and teachers.”
The Virginia General Assembly also promised state funds to expand the robust budget. The legislature promised $1.2 billion in general fund support for Direct Aid for Public Education over the next two years. This will provide PWCS with $64.8 million above what was included in the governor's proposed budget, thus reducing general fund support for direct aid by $294 million.
Extra funding allows the division to provide more help for English Learners, a savings of $14.6 million. The state also contributes its share, three percent, of salary increases each year for teachers and staff at an estimated cost of $32.7 million. It also provides monies to maintain the state’s commitments to Virginia schools and local communities.
The School Board will submit the FY 2025 Budget/CIP to the Prince William County Board of County Supervisors on April 2. It will be subject to their final approval on April 25.
The school division is guaranteed a revenue split of 57.23 percent of county general funds. While the Board of County Supervisors can limit the overall budget, it cannot directly alter the school board's budget.