You're Invited to Join the 'Say No to Devlin Tech Park' Protest March

Devlin area residents invite neighbors to march against data center proposed near Devlin Road and Linton Hall Road


Bristow residents have organized a "So No to Devlin Tech Park," protest march for Sunday, Nov. 19 at 1:30 p.m. and are inviting others to participate.

The  Devlin Technology Park [data center campus] application will go before the Board of County Supervisors for a public hearing, Nov. 28. Neighbors hope to demonstrate widespread resistance to the proposal. 

"Join us Sunday, Nov. 19th at 1:30 for a protest march against Devlin Tech Park. Meet at the Bristow Montessori School Parking lot. Bring signs and wear your 'Say No to Devlin T-shirts.'" said the Say No to Devlin its invitation. 

After meeting outside Bristow Montessori at Bristow Commons, the group will cross Linton Hall Road and walk up to the intersection of Worthington Drive. 

They hope to attract participants and also encourage people to take an active role in the efforts, such as handing out flyers or reaching out to educate their neighbors.  People who are interested in participating can email


The cause to deny Bristow data centers outside the overlay district has been strong for over a year, but the call to action is a response to the upcoming rezoning public hearing and vote. 

Stanley Martin Homes has submitted a revised rezoning application to the Prince William Board of County Supervisors. The homebuilder is still requesting to build multiple data centers on 270 acres located near Devlin Road and Linton Hall Road and near Chris Young Elementary School and several communities. 

Residents say they still do not want the data centers so close to homes, despite updated proffers to separate the data center from Chris Young Elementary School (possibly via parkland), 500 buffers between homes and larger setbacks.  

Neighbors prefer Stanley Martin build homes on the property as supervisors approved in 2019. They hope a grant show of community support for a residential rezoning will convince supervisors to deny the application. 

Organizers announced their protest plans at Nov. 14 Brentsville Town Hall. They had the support of Brentsville Supervisor Jeanine Lawson-R, Brentsville  Supervisor-elect Tom Gordy, Del.-elect Ian Lovejoy and BOCS Chair-elect Deshundra Jefferson in opposing the application. 

Previously. the biggest issues discussed were data center noise and how it would affect children at schools and people in their neighborhoods. Other issues have since come to the forefront such as the toll new electric would take on neighborhoods with new power lines and possibly running diesel generators. Residents are also concerned with blasting that could last for months. 

There is also space for data centers available within the data center overlay district. 

The core group believes it is essential to get the message out: Bristow does not want data centers near residential areas.

They strongly encourage people to connect with them so they can build an even stronger coalition against the Devlin Tech Park and other data center projects outside the overlay. They need people to volunteer their time and efforts.

They also hope people will join them to speak at the BOCS meeting, Nov. 28. They can speak either in person or virtually. Virtual speakers must sign up by 5 p.m. on Nov. 27.  There will be a rest/snack room provided for the long meeting.

Devlin Tech Park, Devlin Road, data center, Bristow, march, protest, Bristow Commons, Bristow Montessori, Prince William County, board of county supervisors, rally, protest, Nov. 19, Stanley Martin Homes, data centers